Lead Generation Strategies For Targeting Companies In The Midst Of Conflict

Normally, your instincts incline you to keep your lead generation services from engaging companies in the middle of some sort of conflict. Unfortunately, there will be times when such companies stand as your only chance of meeting goals. You might also encounter these companies purely by accident. Finally, there is also the possibility that conflict will arise even in companies you have qualified.

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Falling Behind In Lead Generation? The Simplest Concepts Can Speed You Up!

Lead Generation, Sales Lead Generation, Sales LeadsIf you think your lead generation campaign is falling behind because you are missing out on some fancy, new marketing trend, you need to define what you mean by ‘new’.

You see while it is true that new technology opens up the possibilities of new marketing channels, the basic concepts of what you do on those channels remains to be the same. More than that, they remain to be simple.

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Pursue Financial Planning Leads And Spread Awareness Of The Ponzi Epidemic!

Financial Leads

The Ponzi epidemic has already been spread throughout the nation and has hit businesses within the financial sector. The results of such an epidemic has the lead the generation of quality financial planning leads to be at an all time low.

Ponzi schemes, one of the greatest nightmares for investors across all industries. They’re a subject of both popular media as well as big business discussion. However, this new article from NPR has some startling and disturbing statistics showcasing not only the damage they have done but also how they’ve been around long enough to be referred to as an industry. This industry in turn has been preying heavily upon businesses and individuals alike. If your financial managing services specialize in risk management, then you can be considered a well-informed authority on the subject. This in turn also means you must do everything to spread awareness of the Ponzi epidemic by pursuing financial planning leads.

Why is this such a big deal? Well one for thing, the losses would be something every risk manager might want to think about:

Losses from Ponzi schemes and other related frauds cost investors about $10 billion a year, according to Frankel, and victims range from ordinary people to executives at major financial institutions. One Ponzi scheme, in Romania, snared more than 2 million people.”

The article goes on to indicate several signs of a Ponzi scheme, and these could be used as excellent material for different forms of marketing and generating financial planning leads. For example:

  • Email Marketing – You can formulate four questions based on the four signs of a Ponzi scheme and ask them in an email survey. The responses you’ll generate can then give you an opportunity to demonstrate your expertise and generate even more interest in your financial planning services. 
  • Website Marketing – You can also dedicate a small page on your business website and contribute more to explaining the four signs by including your own input and experience. You should also put a contact form for those who are curious to hear more from you. 
  • Event Marketing – Events are another way to engage with your market as well as increase public awareness of issues. In this case, you can make a more public and more elaborate demonstration on how Ponzi schemes work, what other signs to watch out for, and why companies should be on their guard. It presents your business to potential clients, demonstrates how much you know, and at the same time you’re doing your part in prevention. 
  • Telemarketing – This is still viable but so long as your calls don’t give people a headache. Instead, first ask questions that demonstrate your expertise (like what you would do with email). Yet oddly enough, it’s even more subtle. Not everyone is ignorant about the threat so asking questions can help keep you from making bad assumptions. On the other hand, you can tell those who respond about what they might have on their hands. If they’re curious to learn more, you can use that curiosity as a basis for more follow-up calls and set appointments.

Like many cases of investment fraud, Ponzi schemes base their success on the ability to fool people. People though are harder to fool if they’re aware of the signs and have the proper risk management resources as their eyes and ears. That can be your business as well but only if you act now and take advantage of what marketing can do.