Falling Behind In Lead Generation? The Simplest Concepts Can Speed You Up!

Lead Generation, Sales Lead Generation, Sales LeadsIf you think your lead generation campaign is falling behind because you are missing out on some fancy, new marketing trend, you need to define what you mean by ‘new’.

You see while it is true that new technology opens up the possibilities of new marketing channels, the basic concepts of what you do on those channels remains to be the same. More than that, they remain to be simple.

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Sharing Knowledge When Generating Sales Leads Requires Preparation

Telemarketing, Lead Generation, Qualified LeadsDo not assume that the title is stating the obvious. Generating sales leads through the sharing of knowledge needs more than just preparing presentations or marketing materials. Take this one example. Suppose your financial services have managed to identify an undiscovered need among your prospects. Do you realize how careful you need to be when sharing that knowledge? If not, then you should.

Why you may ask? Wouldn’t letting them know mean your business can immediately spark their interest because you’ve found a solution? Ideally, yes. Knowing a potential client’s needs is critical to the value of generating sales leads and the success that comes from acting on them. You can even say you have an obligation to increase awareness of a problem.

Unfortunately, there are also additional risks that come from pointing out previously unknown needs:

  • They might seek your competitors instead: Just because you’ve found a problem doesn’t mean they’ll look to you for the solution. They might already be doing business with a competitor and would instead, opt to consult with them.
  • They might try and solve it themselves: They might be concerned but not enough to rely on outside help. Can they surely resolve the problem with their own financial management resources?

This doesn’t mean that you should let prospects know at all. It means you have to be careful when you’re doing so. Identifying needs ahead of everyone else can give you the advantage because you’ve found an unspoken demand. Once you point it out though, everyone else will become aware and verbalizing that demand will draw the attention of competitors as well influence buying decisions.

In order for you to stay ahead and keep generating financial leads, there are a few things you need to learn in advance.

  • Competitors – Logically, you need to know how likely your competitors can identify these needs and how likely your potential clients will consult them first. It’s best to gain their trust first and make sure your marketing efforts can distinguish your firm’s knowledge in a way that deals most with the need that you’ve identified.
  • Client’s resources – Try conducting telemarketing survey or post an online questionnaire that would require someone of your level to really answer correctly. It’s a quick way to tell how many companies can really manage the problem you’ve identified. It might also give the clients themselves something to think about if they really wish to continue relying on their own resources.
  • How to keep them interested – There are several ways to do this. You can try establishing a loyal following of your own to help back up your expertise. You can just simply be more convenient by having an appointment setter save them the trouble of requesting appointments with busier competitors. Either way, you mustn’t instantly give up when it comes to keeping them interested.

Sharing your knowledge takes planning in of itself. You have to make sure that the people you share it to don’t do something unexpected with it. Don’t just assume that knowing an undiscovered need will send a new client diving into your sales funnel. Always be prepared for any chance that your competitors or even the clients themselves will become alternatives to your solution.